The purpose of the Cross-border Network of Transport Management is to ensure an active and effective co-operation in order to create new bonds and forms of Polish-Belarussian co-operation by organizing and supporting common information, planning, investment, educational and counselling activities which promote innovative solutions in the sector of sustainable cross-border transportation.
The Cross-border Network of Transport Management is a lasting platform for cross-border agreement and co-operation regarding the flow of information, analyses and research as well as for undertaking multi-disciplinary activities in order to create positive structural changes in the Belarussian-Polish borderland as well as for the integration of local transportation systems while respecting the rules of a sustainable development.
First stage of the expansion of the poviat road no 1282 B Krynki – Kruszyniany – Łużany – Bobrowniki is completed.
In November 2019, the first stage of the expansion of the poviat road no 1282 B Krynki – Kruszyniany – Łużany – Bobrowniki was completed. The first stage of the expansion covered 2,26 km from the junction with the commune road no 105067 B near Bobrowniki in the direction of Łużany. The expanded road has a
Expansion of the commune road no 105067B in Bobrowniki is completed.
In October 2019 the expansion of the commune road no 105067 B in Bobrowniki was completed. The beginning of the investment was the state road no 65 Białystok – Bobrowniki and then, the poviat road no 1282 B Łużany – Bobrowniki. The length of the redeveloped road – 0,466 km in Bobrowniki. After the redevelopment, the